
Francis & Pi Stock Sale

Among my favorite things in the world: tea, fresh flowers and…stock sales. Sometimes they suddenly pop up in your mailbox/facebook account like an unexpected invitation to a party you really want to attend. You can without doubt imagine my exaltation when the ‘Francis and Pi’ stock sale news appeared and…turned out it was next door to where I work. Coincidence? I don’t believe in that. Must be faith ordering me to get some F&P goodies.

For those who don’t know Francis and Pi, read my first post about them here.Yes, I am a fan. The kind that stops by a stock sale 3 times in 2 days (true story).

Here’s a part of my catch. Unfortunately it’s not all for me, as I spread the news and people were quick enough to send me their wish list. On a bright note, I now have a broad list of people where I can lend a few F&P items if truly necessary…

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