donderdag the parties

I like browsing It’s the perfect way to spend 5 spare minutes. Except that those 5 minutes might turn into 45 minutes, oops.

My favorite part is definitely the ‘people and parties’ section. I t’s like a facebook experience, but with people you are not actually friends with…which does not at all make it less fun I must say.

So here are some of my favorites from the recent parties. Note to me: add to must do before 30 list: go to a party.

Ginta Lapina, Britt Maren, Alan Zimmer

Lake Bell

Alessandra Ambrosio


Ladies who brunch

My favorite way to start the weekend:brunch with the ladies.

The recipe?

Get together some good friends, toss in some gossip, add cava (the gossip will then automatically follow) and you’re good for a couple of hours guaranteed pleasure. Oh and I almost forgot: next to the usual ‘pistolets’ you might want to include some cupcakes too.

If you’re too lazy to make them yourself (yes, we are! It’s weekend after all) a small tip: Mo’s cupcakes: 40 different cupcakes to choose from. Yes, weekends can be hard…

Just so you know:
Warning: you won't stop at one, so don't come nagging when you're not beach proof anymore after a visit to Mo...


I have an obsession with lists. I literally make lists of everything. My motto: If it’s on paper you don’t have to remember it by heart. And as tons of post-its are not that practical, I have my very own notebook to assemble all my lists.

And currently, I over the moon of happiness as I just got a new notebook. Yes, you can laugh all you want but a new notebook just makes my day. It’s those small things in life… Add a new pen to that and I am good for a happy week.

I noted my lists in my notebook today and I am so very proud.

Currently I have lists of:

What to buy this season

Top outfits (in case I need to be ready in less than 5 min, I have some no brainer solutions)

Recipes I need to try out

Restaurants I need to try out

Memories that make me happy (this one is really good to look at if you’re having a bad day)

Artists I love

Brands I love

Fashion sites & blogs I love

Places to visit (in the world that is)

Things to do before I’m 30

People I admire

Quotes that make me happy

Items I would like to own when I’m 40 (nr 1 being a black chanel 2.55)

And yes… my notebook is almost full…


Yoga time

I am zen, totally zen… and that I owe that to my yoga teacher.

Every Monday evening (after a stressed out weekend and a mad Monday) I twist and turn, I stretch, I collapse (by accident) , get myself up again and watch my breath.
Good for the mind, body and soul.



Preppy Chic

Since I am not allowed to shop, I need to dive in my closet and find suitable outfits. Now, what better for a day at the office then a preppy chic look. Very pleased indeed. That closet is not that bad…
For those interested:
Jeans: Fcuk, shoes: Primark, shirt: Marks & Spencer, Blazer: New Look, Bracelet: Primark



Start Saving Project!

I have made a big decision, my days as big spender are officially over as…yes…I’ve decided to spend less money on clothes… However, this does not mean my days as fashionista are over. On the contrary, I can be a lot more creative and actually wear all the clothes I own instead of constantly getting new ones.

So how does this little project work?

Step 1: throw away visa (well, too hard to throw it away, but I will keep in a closet at home for emergencies, okay? Ah yes, and a sample sale might just be an emergency? Of am I fooling myself now?)

Step 2: Browse for creative outfit posts

Step 3: Become the master in vintage, cheap stores. Ah luckily Belmodo’s Tiany Kirilof just posted her favorite vintage shops. Coincidence? I’d rather call it faith…

Step 4: Test & try all forgotten items in my closet

Step 5: If I do make a purchase I can simply not resist it needs to be either cheap or a great basic I can keep for years or on sale

So this project starts: NOW!

I’ll keep you posted on the progress…