Along with December comes not only Santa, Christmas madness and turkey indigestion but also a long list of New Year’s resolutions. As December progresses the list gets longer every day, but unfortunately for most of us, as January unfolds most NY’s resolutions tend to end up somewhere in the gutter. Now, this year, we are going to do better…
So, especially for you my dear reader (you could consider this post as my thank you for reading my blog in 2011, please continue doing so in 2012…) one tip each day to make it through January. We’ll figure out the rest of the year as we go along.
1. N.E.V.E.R drink too much again. Probably the most popular NY’s resolution on a typical hangover day like the 1st of Jan.
2. Start saving. For real this year. As an added difficulty the universe has viciously made sales start January 3rd, so I am prepared to give you the liberty to switch this resolution with number 31…that will give you a little bit of time for a final spending spree.
3. Pick up and read that book that’s been laying on your night table, desk, coffee table.. for ages. Or throw it away if you weren’t really planning on reading it , ever.
4. Eat more vegetables, fresh vegetables.
5. Eat more fruit, fresh fruit.
6. To follow up on nr. 4 &5 : watch more cooking programs (preferably hosted by real cooks, reality tv does not make the cut, you’re not getting off that easily).
7. Half the time you spend on facebook (and that’s a minimum), you must realize: watching other people’s holiday pictures is hardly useful… This will surely give you the time to read the book from point 3.
8. More sports. Darts, billiard and Wii fit do.not.count.
9. Spend more time with your partner, for example the time you save from point 7 in case you utterly detest reading. Arrange a date like you did when you first met.
10. Stop smoking. You should have done that back in 1999 already...
11. Visit your grandparents more often. They are not going to hang around forever.
12. Do NOT buy shoes that are both too small and too expensive. The fact that they are on sale is totally irrelevant.
13. Do NOT buy anti-cellulite cream to use it only once a month and then be surprised there is no effect what so ever. Twice a day, it says so on the packaging.
14. Laugh out loud at least once each day.
15. Go see a dentist, those holes will not fill themselves.
16. Clean up your closet. Not worn in 2011? Bye bye!
17. Go to an exhibition of a young unknown artist, for all you know he's the next Picasso.
18. Invest in a smart basic like a beige trench coat, a little black dress of cognac pumps (sales are still ongoing, so you might want to hurry with this one).
19. Drink at least 1 liter of water per day. Does NOT count if you add wodka to it.
20. Depilate, it’s not because it’s winter that you're allowed to be a hairy monster.
21. Invest in lingerie, works wonders for your self esteem, exit monster.
22. Watch movie classics like Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Casablanca. Ok, chances are big Twilight could become a classic, so I’ll approve that one as well.
23. Go to bed early.
24. Plan in some me-time into your agenda, note it with inerasable ink and with the same priority as you would for your mammography.
25. Talking about mammographies, have you already planned yours in 2012?
26. Give money to a good cause (shoes are NOT a good cause).
27. Plan in a dinner/drink date with friends you haven't seen in ages and with whom you have no de-friending plans.
28. Send out real cards for birthdays, so much more authentic than e-mail cards, even if the latter include dancing bears.
29. Take a healthy lunch to work, cheaper and better for you than a take-away sandwich.
30. If you’re travelling less than 5km, use your bike. Unless it’s pouring rain or in case you have to transport a weight over 10kg.
31. Carpe Diem, that’s the ultimate tip to survive 2012.
Pic by Ellen von Unwerth |