
Perhaps a slice of turkey with your wine?

Thanksgiving 13inx19in Art Print

The December 2011 Party Tips

Most of us go through December, partying, eating and drinking like the next year famine will break out. So especially to help you survive December 2011 without too many damage: some fast track tips to make it through the holidays, in one piece:

There’s really no need to stock up food in your body for a winter sleep, because

a) Humans don’t do 'winter sleep' (though the concept sounds very attractive)

b) In 2012 there will still be plenty of food to eat, so no reason to splurge in December

Instead of counting your alcohol intakes on a daily basis, count them on a weekly basis, with a maximum of 21 units per week. Do I really need to tell you that not drinking all week and then going for 21 drinks on Christmas eve is a bad idea?

Level. A glass of alcohol and then a glass of water then again a glass of alcohol followed by a glass of water and then… you get the picture?

Now, if you do go in a little alcohol overdrive:

The moment you start dancing on tables and are convinced you can pull off a dance act like Britney (in the good old days) : get a glass of water and go home (by taxi).

In case you didn’t go home but actually performed your dance act: when you wake up immediately check facebook to untag the video’s and pictures that where without doubt uploaded in your drunk rush. If it was a family party they might treat you kind, if it wasn’t : your online reputation might have run some damage. Control-it.

After a drunk night out, you might crave hamburgers, pizza and more nasty stuff. Don’t. You already had your way the night before. During your hangover opt for fresh fruit, vegetables and whole-wheat bread. Boring? Yes. Will it make you feel better? Slightly, at least it will make you feel less bad than hamburgers… And perhaps you could add ‘never drinking again’ to your list of New Year Resolutions?

Illustration by Danny Roberts, available at etsy.com

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