
Ready, set, SALES!

Today sales season starts. Here are some tips if you’re going into that jungle!

Make a list of what you need (want) before you go shopping. This
significantly lowers the risk of coming home with completely useless stuff.

Make sure you shop items that reflect your style, don’t just buy it because it’s on sale. Before you get to that counter: ask yourself these questions:
- Does it flatter me?
- Does it go with the rest of my wardrobe?
- Will I actually wear it?
- Does it fit!? (yeah, you’re laughing, happens more than you think…)

Select the shops you want to visit beforehand. (If you are really smart you’ve done some research before the sales period and you know exactly what you’re going for)
My shops to visit: Gerard Darel , Sandro, Maje & Thiron (great shoestore @ Antwerp)

This is the time to invest in some classic key pieces. Go for the leather boots, the great winter jacket that you could never afford at regular price…a stunning LBD. They’ll last you more than one season, so next winter you’ll still be thrilled you got them!

If you don’t have your mind set on anything particular and don’t really need anything, wait until the second round of sales (there’s a big difference between 30% and 50%....). Shops still have piles of stock, so there will be plenty of stuff left.

Be brave, it really is a harsh world out there…but think about your great buys.

Don’t get upset when somebody steels the last perfect size away right in front of you. Remember, they’re just clothes…

Finally: ENJOY! Have a cup of coffee in between, watch the crazy people in the shop, have a laugh and… be nice to the sales people…it’s a rough period for them too.

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