
Having A Ball At The Beach

Rumour (not really rumour, just meteoonline…) has it that it will be smoooking hot this weekend. I suggest we make ourselves look smoking hot too…
There are many many strategies to look hot on the beach.

1. Well, one is to create a body that looks like
a. Jennifer Anistons’
b. Cameron Diaz’
c. Jessica Alba’s
Hmm, since I would have to mark “d. none of the above”… for me this would
not be an option.
If it is for you: be happy and thank god and please also email me your secret…
Anyways 2 days is too short to create the above perfect body,
so on to the next strategy.

2. Accessorize!
I am a strong believer in accessories and the good thing is…they come in many forms and don’t always have to be expensive!

Jessica Alba displays the cheapest (though not always the easiest) option…She goes for the ‘a great beach boy on my side is always good’ look…

Other options include: invest in a nice pareo, some ‘water & sand resistant’ jewelry and off course not be missed: slippers (havaianas are not too expensive, stylish and they come in almost every color)

3. Have fun on the beach, you’ll look the part

One way to look hot is to look happy, so fun is the keyword here…
Having a ball with Kirsten, surf like Cameron (any other sport will do, petanque anyone?) or well (since strategie one was cancelled) have a nice ice cream and relax the Kate Hudson way!

Enjoy the weekend…


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