
Nailed it!

Seems I have a new hobby: painting my nails. This winter there are so many great colors I simply cannot choose. Result: I paint my nails almost every 2 days , my fridge is full of nail polish* instead of food AND nail polish has become my guilty pleasure…I figure: as long as it’s nail polish and not handbags I’m fine buying one every week.A lady needs options, you know...

My favorite and latest buy: Chanel’s 505, matches with about everything.
Another score: Chanel’s Miami peach, only I got it at a ‘I will not say the name but it’s dutch and it’s cheap’ retailer for the knock off version of 2,5euro. Shame on me. And also : a great chocolate shade by Bourjois.

* Apparently, it's recommendable to keep your nail polish in the fridge, I read it somewhere and well, since then, I keep my collection in the fridge.

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