I’m in the middle of a new project I decided to undertake: redecorating the house. Necessary? Not really… but considering the fact that you can create great impact with small details, this project , so far, has been very satisfying.
In less than a week: I cleared out all the clutter in our house, took it to the basement and got new clutter instead, just more’ up to date’ clutter. Yes, the salesladies at Zara Home were very happy to see me…
But I do want to takes this project one step further…I’m talking repainting here. Bringing out the big guns. Yes, this project might get out of hand. I’m sort of in the mood to change some furniture as well (downside: hubbie is not in on this one) but I’ll keep you posted on the progress.
In the meantime, some of the new stuff. The look I’m going for? White spaces, light colored furniture and dark details.