
Today's Wishlist

Today's Wishlist

Uniqlo shirt
€30 - uniqlo.com

Zara skirt
€38 - zara.com

Chinese laundry
€53 - chineselaundry.com

Calvin Klein eau de perfume
€80 - nelly.com


Today's Wishlist

Today's Wishlist

By malene birger
€120 - stylebop.com

Dorothy Perkins high-rise shorts
€44 - dorothyperkins.com

Dv by dolce vita
€52 - stbernardsports.com

Kelly Katie straw tote
€34 - dsw.com

Marc jacob
€59 - bloomingdales.com


New Sunglasses

A couple of weeks ago a thief (clearly one with good taste) stole my sunglasses. It broke my heart. Yes, very sad the tragic loss of a material item can cause my heart to break, but what can I say, I was attached to it.  So…I went searching for a new one and turned out they still had the one I had in stock. Thank you MaxMara for keeping your items on stock for a rather long time. So now, my heart is mended, my wallet broken. Oh well…


Instant Hapiness

Flowers just always do the trick...


Today's Wishlist

Today's Wishlist

Paul Joe long sleeve shirt
€165 - yoox.com

Knit shorts
€76 - ifoundasecret.com

GUESS floppy hat
€27 - guess.com

Oasis glasses
€19 - houseoffraser.co.uk

Bath body product


Monday's resolution

A sunny monday. That calls for a resolution: try to look like this by the end of July.

Agh, who am I kidding, I’ll never find that exact bikini…


Summer 2013: The To Do List

Yes, I am a major fan of to do lists. That’s why, in my world, even summer holidays come with lists.
I often wonder how people can get things done without lists? Do inform me if you know.

Register for new fitness (I actually already did that last week, but it makes me feel comfortable to be able to check something of immediately)

Read at least 2 books (ok, I get it, you want specifics: Lean In by Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg & The Monk Who sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma)

Learn to master the perfect healthy glow look (working on that, as soon as I figure it out, for sure I will share the secret)

Bring my lemon cheesecake recipe to ultimate perfection (the taste is gooood but it sort of collapses on the plate)

Shop a pair of espadrilles 

While we are at it, shop a divine nude bag (suggestions welcome)

Spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing useful (funny this should be on a to do list)

Resist the urge to cut my hair

Embrace the Belgian weather (it is what it is...)

Be a tourist in my own city 
