
We're back

So, The Dressing Party’s holiday was slightly extended due to the fatal combination of a new job with some foreign trips (the horrors of Paris, you can only imagine), an overall hectic schedule and (this one was lethal) pure laziness. BUT, now the blog is back. 

A new season is approaching, you can already feel the chilly breeze in the air and your credit card itching in your wallet to splurge on embellished cardigans, leather look pants, loafers and more of that excellent fashion this season promises. 

I am so ready and so was New York last week. The fashion crowd assembled for the spring summer 2013 fashion shows, but really these people assemble to show off their early fall buys on the street. I can only applaud this, these looks (albeit sometimes quite exaggerated) give tons of inspiration for the upcoming season. Look, learn and adapt to normal life (unless you go to work daily with hats, crazy accessories and absolutely un-wearable heels. In that case, just copy.) 

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